Spooky Films That Inspired Our Zombie Game

Stay Dead - Blog #09

Picture of Andrea Rubio

Andrea Rubio

Head of Marketing

The animated films that influenced the creation of our cool undead family.

Vancouver, BC. Canada

At Animagic, our creative sparks often fly from the silver screen right into the gaming universe. Today, we’re thrilled to share a glimpse into the films that have not only entertained us but have significantly shaped the development of “Stay Dead.” Here’s a deeper dive into our top picks and the unique ways each has influenced our game’s world.


Inspired by our Art Director Alfredo’s Vision: “ParaNorman” stands out with its stylish and slightly edgy depiction of the undead. The film’s perfect blend of horror, humor, and heart has heavily influenced the aesthetics and mood of our game. Like Norman, our characters navigate a world where being different is the norm, and bravery comes in humorous packages.


Inspired by our Art Director Alfredo’s Vision: “ParaNorman” stands out with its stylish and slightly edgy depiction of the undead. The film’s perfect blend of horror, humor, and heart has heavily influenced the aesthetics and mood of our game. Like Norman, our characters navigate a world where being different is the norm, and bravery comes in humorous packages.

Hotel Transylvania

In “Hotel Transylvania,” monsters are everyday folks, and humans are the odd ones out. This reversal of roles has inspired the thematic backbone of our game, reminding us that perspective can turn any story on its head. We’re integrating similar humor and heartfelt moments into “Stay Dead” to craft a world that’s engagingly quirky.


A favorite of our creative director, David Calderón: Neil Gaiman’s “Coraline” offers a darkly whimsical world that’s inviting yet unsettling. Its narrative about venturing into the unknown mirrors our gameplay design, where curiosity leads to brave, often eerie adventures.


A favorite of our creative director, David Calderon: Neil Gaiman’s “Coraline” offers a darkly whimsical world that’s inviting yet unsettling. Its narrative about venturing into the unknown mirrors our gameplay design, where curiosity leads to brave, often eerie adventures.

The Croods

A Favorite Among the Team: Surprisingly, “The Croods” has captured our imaginations by portraying a family’s survival in a wild, ancient world. While there are no zombies, the family’s unity and resilience resonate deeply with our game’s core mechanics, where sticking together is crucial for navigating the challenges of Porto Morto.

Monster House

Loved by our lead writer Carla Valdes: “Monster House” turns a normal neighborhood into a thrilling mystery with its haunted house trope. We are similarly blending everyday settings with supernatural surprises to enrich “Stay Dead” with unexpected challenges and twists.

Monster House

Loved by our lead writer Carla Valdes: “Monster House” turns a normal neighborhood into a thrilling mystery with its haunted house trope. We are similarly blending everyday settings with supernatural surprises to enrich “Stay Dead” with unexpected challenges and twists.

These films are just the tip of the iceberg in our pool of inspiration. As “Stay Dead” continues to evolve, we are constantly seeking new creative avenues and cinematic influences to ensure our game is as immersive and innovative as possible.

We’d love to hear from you too! What’s your favorite spooky / creepy animated film? Connect with us on our social channels and share your picks and how they inspire you!

Stay tuned for more exciting updates as we bring the world of “Stay Dead” to life .