Fun lives on

You finally found the perfect life, as a zombie.
Defend it and escape the cure.

A wacky & wholesome
zombie adventure!

Stay Dead zombie video game poster
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Imagine living the perfect life: a loving spouse, wonderful kids, and the cutest dog, all in a tropical paradise far from the hustle and bustle of society. But there’s just one tiny detail – you’re all zombies. That’s the delightfully twisted reality in Stay Dead.

Stay Dead is a hilariously chaotic action adventure game where you protect your beloved zombie family from the cure bots trying to turn you back into regular humans. Set on the exotic and quirky island of Porto Morto, this game brings a fresh twist to the zombie survival game genre and adds a unique flavor to your gaming collection.

Your mission? Protect your family and Stay Dead.

The best zombie survival game Family is Rot Fam of Stay Dead

Open your brains to a
zombie life!

What if being a zombie is the best thing that ever happened to you? Experience life as a zombie and discover the weird delight of Staying Dead.

Zombie survival game Action with Stu and Bram

Ride together or
die together.

Family gameplay mechanics and missions teach a key lesson: Family is everything. And no, it’s not a cliché! Your family members are your life points. Lose them all, and you’ll face the ultimate nightmare — returning to a regular human life.

The best action adventure zombie dad

An audiovisual feast
of enjoyable weirdness

Open your senses to the unconventional and embrace the beauty of a weird, chaotic, and eccentric world. You never know what you might discover when you look at the world from a different angle. 

Zombie Survival Games Developer Team

Our deadly Team!

Animagic Studios, the award-winning creative team, is entering the gaming world, bringing its renowned storytelling, design, and animation skills to its first title: Stay Dead. In collaboration with its new Canadian games division, Animagic Interactive, this project marks Animagic’s debut in the indie games arena. It’s an important milestone in their vision to become a global leader in creativity and entertainment, offering exciting action adventure games and funny zombie survival games for PC.

Partner with us

As we work on completing pre-production we are looking to meet and talk to investors, publishers and potential partners that can help us bring Stay Dead to market. Interested in knowing more?


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